Extra Super Avana: A Guide to Avanafil, Dapoxetine, and Generic Options

Extra Super Avana is a popular combination medication that combines Avanafil and Dapoxetine. It is used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE). This medication is available in both generic and brand-name versions. In this guide, we'll discuss the uses, side effects, and dosage of Extra Super Avana.

What is Extra Super Avana?

Extra Super Avana is a combination medication that contains both Avanafil and Dapoxetine. Avanafil is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor used to treat ED, while Dapoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat PE. When taken together, this combination medication works to treat both conditions at the same time.

Uses for Extra Super Avana

Extra Super Avana is used to treat ED and PE in men aged 18 and over. ED is a condition in which a man is unable to get or maintain an erection. PE is a condition in which a man ejaculates sooner than he or his partner would like. This combination medication works to treat both conditions at the same time, allowing men to enjoy a more satisfying sexual experience.

Side Effects of Extra Super Avana

As with any medication, Extra Super Avana can have side effects. Common side effects may include headache, dizziness, flushing, stomach upset, and nasal congestion. If these side effects persist or worsen, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. Other serious side effects may include an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing, hives, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat), chest pain, sudden loss of vision or hearing, and an erection lasting longer than four hours.

Dosage of Extra Super Avana

Extra Super Avana comes in 60mg and 100mg tablets. The usual recommended dosage is one 100mg tablet taken 1-3 hours before sexual activity. Do not take more than one tablet in a 24 hour period. Dosage may be adjusted depending on how you respond to the medication. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist for more information on dosage.

Buying Extra Super Avana Online

Extra Super Avana is available both in brand-name and generic versions. You can buy Extra Super Avana online from a variety of online pharmacies. Before buying Extra Super Avana online, it is important to compare prices and read reviews from other customers. You should also check to make sure the online pharmacy is reputable and has an active license.

Alternatives to Extra Super Avana

Extra Super Avana is not the only treatment option for ED and PE. Other medications that are used to treat these conditions include Sildenafil, Tadalafil, and Vardenafil. In addition, there are a variety of therapies and lifestyle changes that may help treat ED and PE. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about all of your treatment options.


Extra Super Avana is a combination medication that contains Avanafil and Dapoxetine. It is used to treat ED and PE in men aged 18 and over. This medication is available in both brand-name and generic versions. Common side effects may include headache, dizziness, flushing, stomach upset, and nasal congestion. If you are considering buying Extra Super Avana online, it is important to compare prices and read reviews from other customers. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about all of your treatment options.

If you think you may have ED or PE, talk to your doctor or healthcare provider. They will be able to discuss the best treatment option for you.

This article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with your doctor or healthcare provider.

Extra Super Avana 260mg

PackagePer PillPriceSavingsBonusOrder
260mg × 4 pills$11.9$47.58+ Viagra
260mg × 8 pills$9.72$77.72$17.45+ Cialis
260mg × 12 pills$8.99$107.86$34.89+ Levitra
260mg × 24 pills$8.26$198.27$87.24+ Viagra
260mg × 36 pills$8.02$288.68$139.58+ Cialis
260mg × 60 pills$7.82$469.5$244.26+ Levitra
260mg × 88 pills$7.73$680.45$366.4+ Viagra
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