Viagra Extra Dosage: A Comprehensive Overview

Viagra Extra Dosage is an effective medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) and other related symptoms of male sexual dysfunction. It is a generic version of the popular brand-name Viagra, and is produced in the form of tablets containing Sildenafil Citrate as its active ingredient.

Viagra Extra Dosage is a powerful medication that works by increasing blood flow to the penis during sexual activity, helping men to achieve and maintain an erection. Viagra Extra Dosage tablets are available in various dosages, ranging from 25mg to 200mg, and can be taken with or without food. The recommended starting dose for most men is 50mg, and this is taken 30 minutes to 1 hour before sexual activity.

To buy Viagra Extra Dosage online, you need a valid prescription from a doctor. The cost of Viagra Extra Dosage can vary depending on the dosage and quantity purchased, and you may be able to get a discount if you purchase multiple tablets. Unregulated online pharmacies may offer counterfeit products, so it is important to buy from a reputable source.

What Are the Benefits of Taking Viagra Extra Dosage?

Viagra Extra Dosage is an effective treatment for ED and can help men to achieve and maintain an erection so that they can participate in sexual activity. It is also important to note that Viagra Extra Dosage is not a form of birth control and does not prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

When taken as directed, Viagra Extra Dosage tablets can help to improve sexual performance and sexual satisfaction for men suffering from ED. It can also help to reduce anxiety and improve self-esteem, as well as helping men to feel more confident in the bedroom.

What Are the Side Effects of Viagra Extra Dosage?

The most common side effects associated with Viagra Extra Dosage are headache, nasal congestion, facial flushing, and indigestion. Less common side effects include blurred vision, dizziness, and nausea. In rare cases, Viagra Extra Dosage can cause serious side effects such as an erection lasting more than four hours, sudden vision loss, and an increase in intraocular pressure.

It is important to speak to your doctor before taking Viagra Extra Dosage if you have any underlying medical conditions, such as heart disease, high or low blood pressure, liver or kidney disease, or if you are taking any other medications.

What Are the Alternatives to Viagra Extra Dosage?

There are other medications available for the treatment of ED, such as tadalafil, vardenafil, and avanafil. These medications work by increasing blood flow to the penis, helping men to achieve and maintain an erection. Some of these medications may also be available as generic versions, which can be cheaper than the branded versions.

Other non-medication options for the treatment of ED include lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, exercising regularly, and reducing stress. These measures can help to improve overall health and wellbeing, as well as helping to improve sexual performance.


Viagra Extra Dosage is an effective medication for the treatment of ED, helping men to achieve and maintain an erection so that they can participate in sexual activity. It is available in various dosages and can be taken with or without food. It is important to speak to your doctor before taking Viagra Extra Dosage, as there may be certain side effects associated with the medication and it may interact with other medications.

Alternative treatments for ED include lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, exercising regularly, and reducing stress. Other medications, such as tadalafil, vardenafil, and avanafil, may also be available for the treatment of ED.

When buying Viagra Extra Dosage online, it is important to purchase from a reputable source, as unregulated online pharmacies may offer counterfeit products. To buy Viagra Extra Dosage online, you need a valid prescription from a doctor.

Viagra Extra Dosage 200mg

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200mg × 10 pills$7.97$79.68+ Cialis
200mg × 20 pills$5.65$112.96$46.4+ Viagra
200mg × 30 pills$4.87$146.24$92.8+ Levitra
200mg × 40 pills$4.49$179.51$139.21+ Cialis
200mg × 60 pills$4.1$246.07$232.01+ Viagra
200mg × 90 pills$3.84$345.9$371.22+ Levitra
200mg × 120 pills$3.71$445.74$510.42+ Cialis
200mg × 180 pills$3.59$645.41$788.83+ Viagra

Viagra Extra Dosage 150mg

PackagePer PillPriceSavingsBonusOrder
150mg × 10 pills$7.05$70.48+ Levitra
150mg × 20 pills$5$99.92$41.04+ Cialis
150mg × 30 pills$4.31$129.35$82.09+ Viagra
150mg × 40 pills$3.97$158.79$123.13+ Levitra
150mg × 60 pills$3.63$217.66$205.22+ Cialis
150mg × 90 pills$3.4$305.97$328.35+ Viagra
150mg × 120 pills$3.29$394.27$451.49+ Levitra
150mg × 180 pills$3.17$570.89$697.75+ Cialis

Viagra Extra Dosage 130mg

PackagePer PillPriceSavingsBonusOrder
130mg × 10 pills$5.83$58.32+ Viagra
130mg × 20 pills$4.13$82.68$33.96+ Levitra
130mg × 30 pills$3.57$107.03$67.93+ Cialis
130mg × 40 pills$3.28$131.39$101.89+ Viagra
130mg × 60 pills$3$180.11$169.81+ Levitra
130mg × 90 pills$2.81$253.18$271.7+ Cialis
130mg × 120 pills$2.72$326.25$373.59+ Viagra
130mg × 180 pills$2.62$472.39$577.37+ Levitra

Viagra Extra Dosage 120mg

PackagePer PillPriceSavingsBonusOrder
120mg × 10 pills$5.21$52.08+ Cialis
120mg × 20 pills$3.69$73.83$30.33+ Viagra
120mg × 30 pills$3.19$95.58$60.66+ Levitra
120mg × 60 pills$2.68$160.84$151.64+ Cialis
120mg × 90 pills$2.51$226.09$242.63+ Viagra
120mg × 120 pills$2.43$291.34$333.62+ Levitra
120mg × 180 pills$2.34$421.85$515.59+ Cialis
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